Madison WI child and family photography – Riley’s 18 month session!

Ahhhhhh toddlers!!  Riley, you were so much easier to photograph 6 months ago when you couldn’t run away from me!  18 months is a difficult age for sure.. but so much fun at the same time!

Oh sorry, did we mess up your hair?

I love how toddlers are always on the go– where on earth do they get the energy?!  You want me to sit on this chair?? Nahhh… I don’t think so!

Fortunately we were able to grab a few nice family shots before both Riley and I were over it and ready for our naps 🙂

….aaaaand we’re done.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes and giving me a much needed workout, Riley…. it’s always a pleasure. <3

Madison WI newborn photography – Rhetta, 2 Weeks Old

I had the pleasure of visiting sweet little Rhetta on her two week birthday.  What a cute little peanut she was!  She played hard to get, but I managed to sneak a few shots in before she got completely fed up with me… ahh the rough life of a baby.  You just want to eat & sleep & snuggle and here is some strange lady putting bows on your head & a camera in your face!  Sorry little one!!

Just look at all the love in these photos….. you guys are going to do great together!  Welcome to the world sweet little girl <3

Madison WI baby photography – Addy is turning ONE!

Unfortunately Miss Addy was not having a very good day when we had our session so she was not her usual smiley self, but she still did a great job putting up with me!!  It has been such a pleasure watching this little lady grow over the last year.  And can I add that she has the most impressive head of hair?!  I’m always amazed by babies with a lot of hair because mine is still practically bald at almost two years old.


We went outside for a little change of pace (oh, and because I was about to melt…  our A/C was taking a ‘break’ and it was about 90 degrees in our house! Addy was a saint for dealing with that!).  Did I mention she has the thickest eyelashes ever???

Happy birthday sweet girl <3


Welcome to my new website!  This is currently a work in progress so bear with me as I figure out the technical bits 🙂